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Merchant-Initiated Installment Payments with PAN
After the initial CIT installment payment, subsequent installment payments are
merchant-initiated transactions (MITs).
The first transaction in an installment payment is a
(CIT). Before you can perform a subsequent merchant-initiated
(MIT), you must store the customer's credentials for later use.
Before you can store the user's credentials, you must get the customer's consent to
store their private information. This process is also known as establishing a
relationship with the customer.Installment Payment Types
VDC National Australia Bank Ltd
enables you to process installment payments but does not have
a role in setting the terms for the installment plan.VDC National Australia Bank Ltd
enables you to process these types of installments payments:- Issuer-Funded Installment Payments
- The customer pays for goods or services using an installment plan agreed upon by the customer and their issuing bank. The issuer controls how the customer's account is debited. Your account is credited for the entire amount in a single transaction. The issuer assumes the risk and establishes credit rates and fees that are charged to the customer. The customer pays the funding cost, which is a fee for paying in installments. In Brazil, aCrediariois a special type of issuer-funded installment payment plan that enables the customer to request information about the terms of the installment plan before approving the installment payments.
- Merchant-Funded Installment Payments
- The customer pays for goods or services using an installment plan agreed upon by you and the customer. The issuer controls how the customer's account is debited. Your account is credited periodically for partial amounts as the customer's account is debited. You assume the risk and establish the credit rate and fees that are charged to the customer.
- Co-Branded Merchant Financed Installment Payments—Brazil Only
- You and the issuer determine the terms for this kind of installment plan. The funding varies depending on the agreement between you, the issuer, and the customer. This funding method is available only for Mastercard installment payments in Brazil.
- Issuer Merchant Co-Financed Installment Payments—Brazil Only
- The issuer creates the installment plan. You and the issuer determine the service fees that the customer pays to you and the issuer. The acquirer is paid in full while the issuer is paid in installments by the customer. You or the customer pay the funding cost, which is a fee for paying in installments. This funding method is available only for Mastercard installment payments in Brazil.
Supported Card Types
These are the supported card types for processing credentialed transactions:
- American Express
- Mastercard
- Visa
/pts/v2/paymentsRequired Fields for Authorizing Merchant-Initiated Subsequent Installment Payments
Use these required fields to authorize merchant-initiated subsequent installment
- orderInformation.amountDetails.currency
- orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount
- orderInformation.billTo.address1
- orderInformation.billTo.administrativeArea
- orderInformation.billTo.country
- orderInformation.billTo.email
- orderInformation.billTo.firstName
- orderInformation.billTo.lastName
- orderInformation.billTo.locality
- orderInformation.billTo.phoneNumber
- orderInformation.billTo.postalCode
- paymentInformation.card.expirationMonth
- paymentInformation.card.expirationYear
- paymentInformation.card.number
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions. initiator. merchantInitiatedTransaction. previousTransactionID
- American Express: set to the transaction ID from the original transaction.
- Discover: set to the transaction ID from the original transaction.
- Visa: set to the last successful transaction ID.
- processingInformation. authorizationOptions. initiator. storedCredentialUsed
- Set the value totrue.
- processingInformation. authorizationOptions. initiator. type
- Set the value tomerchant.
- processingInformation. commerceIndicator
- Set the value toinstall.
Country-Specific Required Fields for Installment Payments with Mastercard or Visa
Include these country-specific required fields for installment payments using a
Mastercard or Visa card, in addition to the required fields listed above.
Include these required fields for payments using either a Mastercard or Visa card in
- installmentInformation.planType
- installmentInformation.totalCount
- processingInformation.commerceIndicator
Include these required fields for payments using either a Mastercard or Visa card in
- buyerInformation.companyTaxId
- buyerInformation.personalIdentification.id
- installmentInformation.planType
- installmentInformation.totalCount
- orderInformation.billTo.phoneNumber
- processingInformation.loanOptions.type
Include these required fields for payments using either a Mastercard or Visa card in
- installmentInformation.planType
- installmentInformation.totalCount
- processingInformation.commerceIndicator
Include these required fields for payments using either a Mastercard or Visa card in
- installmentInformation.planType
- merchantInformation.taxId
Include these required fields for payments using either a Mastercard or Visa card in
- installmentInformation.amount
- installmentInformation.firstInstallmentAmount
- installmentInformation.monthlyInterestRate
- installmentInformation.planType
- installmentInformation.totalCount
Include these required fields for payments using either a Mastercard or Visa card in
- installmentInformation.gracePeriodDuration
- installmentInformation.gracePeriodDurationType
- installmentInformation.planType
- installmentInformation.totalCount
Include these required fields for payments using either a Mastercard or Visa card in
Mexico with Banco Nacional de México (Banamex) or BBVA México (Bancomer).
- installmentInformation.amount
- installmentInformation.paymentType
- installmentInformation.planType
- processingInformation.commerceIndicator
Include this required field for payments using either a Mastercard or Visa card in
- installmentInformation.planType
Include this required field for payments using either a Mastercard or Visa card in
- installmentInformation.planType
India-Specific Required Fields for Installment Payments
This section shows the required fields for Diners Club, Mastercard, and Visa in India.
Diners Club and Mastercard
Use these fields for authorizing an MIT installment payment when processing payments
VDC National Australia Bank Ltd
.- installmentInformation.amount
- installmentInformation.frequency
- Required only for the first MIT installment payment.
- installmentInformation.identifier
- installmentInformation.paymentType
- installmentInformation.sequence
- installmentInformation.validIndicator
Use this field for authorizing a MIT installment payment when processing payments through
VDC National Australia Bank Ltd
.- installmentInformation.identifier
REST Example: Authorizing Merchant-Initiated Subsequent Installment Payments
{ "processingInformation": { "commerceIndicator": "install", "authorizationOptions": { "initiator": { "storedCredentialUsed": "true", "type": "merchant", "merchantInitiatedTransaction": { "reason": "9", "previousTransactionId": "123456789619999", "originalAuthorizedAmount": "100" //Discover Only } } } }, "orderInformation": { "billTo": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "address1": "201 S. Division St.", "postalCode": "48104-2201", "locality": "Ann Arbor", "administrativeArea": "MI", "country": "US", "phoneNumber": "5554327113", "email": "" }, "amountDetails": { "totalAmount": "100.00", "currency": "USD" } }, "paymentInformation": { "card": { "expirationYear": "2031", "number": "4111xxxxxxxxxxxx", "expirationMonth": "12" } } }
Response to a Successful Request
{ "_links": { "authReversal": { "method": "POST", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/6530824710046809304002/reversals" }, "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/6530824710046809304002" }, "capture": { "method": "POST", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/6530824710046809304002/captures" } }, "clientReferenceInformation": { "code": "1653082470983" }, "id": "6530824710046809304002", "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "authorizedAmount": "100.00", "currency": "USD" } }, "paymentAccountInformation": { "card": { "type": "002" } }, "paymentInformation": { "tokenizedCard": { "type": "002" }, "card": { "type": "002" } }, "pointOfSaleInformation": { "terminalId": "111111" }, "processorInformation": { "approvalCode": "888888", "authIndicator": "1", "networkTransactionId": "123456789619999", "transactionId": "123456789619999", "responseCode": "100", "avs": { "code": "X", "codeRaw": "I1" } }, "reconciliationId": "79710341A39WTT5W", "status": "AUTHORIZED", "submitTimeUtc": "2022-05-20T21:34:31Z" }