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Merchant-Initiated Sale for Debt Recovery with Stored Card Data
This section describes how to process a bundled authorization and capture to perform a
merchant-initiated sale for debt recovery.
/pts/v2/paymentsRequired Fields for a Merchant-Initiated Sale for Debt Recovery with Stored Card Data
Using the REST API
- clientReferenceInformation.code
- clientReferenceInformation.comments
- Set this field toTransitDA Debt recovery MIT sale.
- clientReferenceInformation.partner.solutionId
- National Australia Bankprovides the value for this field.
- clientReferenceInformation.partner.thirdPartyCertificationNumber
- National Australia Bankprovides the value for this field.
- clientReferenceInformation.transactionId
- orderInformation.amountDetails.currency
- orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount
- paymentInformation.card.expirationMonth
- paymentInformation.card.expirationYear
- paymentInformation.card.number
- paymentInformation.card.type
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions.authIndicator
- Set this field to1.
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions.debtRecoveryIndicator
- Set this field totrue.
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions.ignoreAvsResult
- Set this field totrue.
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions.ignoreCvResult
- Set this field totrue.
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions.initiator.merchantInitiatedTransaction. previousTransactionId
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions.initiator.merchantInitiatedTransaction.reason
- Set this field to1.
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions.initiator.storedCredentialUsed
- Set this field totrue.
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions.initiator.type
- Set this field tomerchant.
- processingInformation.authorizationOptions.transportationMode
- processingInformation.capture
- Set this field totrue.
- processingInformation.commerceIndicator
- Set this field tomoto.
- processingInformation.industryDataType
- Set this field totransit.
REST Example: Merchant-Initiated Sale for Debt Recovery with
Stored Card Data
{ "clientReferenceInformation": { "comments": "TransitDA Debt recovery MIT sale", "code": "10000579", "transactionId": "20000579", "partner": { "thirdPartyCertificationNumber": "BPCDRC220403", "solutionId": "548UHQ8Z" } }, "processingInformation": { "commerceIndicator": "moto", "industryDataType": "transit", "reconciliationId": "1111", "capture": "true", "authorizationOptions": { "debtRecoveryIndicator": "true", "authIndicator": "1", "ignoreAvsResult": "true", "ignoreCvResult": "true", "transportationMode": "01", "initiator": { "type": "merchant", "storedCredentialUsed": "true", "merchantInitiatedTransaction": { "reason": "1", "previousTransactionId": "016153570198200" } } } }, "paymentInformation": { "card": { "number": "541333XXXXXXXXXX", "expirationMonth": "12", "expirationYear": "2049", "type": "002" } }, "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "totalAmount": "10.00", "currency": "EUR" } } }
Response to a Declined Request
{ "_links": { "self": { "method": "GET", "href": "/pts/v2/payments/6508879024886569004002" } }, "clientReferenceInformation": { "code": "10000579", "partner": { "solutionId": "548UHQ8Z" }, "transactionId": "20000579" }, "errorInformation": { "reason": "PROCESSOR_DECLINED", "message": "Decline - General decline of the card. No other information provided by the issuing bank." }, "id": "6508879024886569004002", "pointOfSaleInformation": { "emv": { "tags": "9F36020015910AB58D60185BEF0247303072179F180430303031860E04DA9F580903B1BAEDFD1438BA48" } }, "processorInformation": { "systemTraceAuditNumber": "162971", "networktransactionId": "016153570198200", "retrievalReferenceNumber": "211511162971", "transactionId": "016153570198200", "responseCode": "05", "avs": { "code": "1" } }, "status": "DECLINED" }