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Configure Network Tokenization Using the Gateway Portal
Gateway Portal
Follow these steps to configure a merchant token vault network tokenization
- Log in to theGateway Portaltest environment or production environment.
- Test:https://nabgateway-portal-test.nab.com.au/ebc2
- Production:https://nabgateway-portal.nab.com.au/ebc2
- In the left navigation panel, click theToken Managementicon (
- ClickVault Management New. The Vault Management page appears.
- Select the vault owner that you want to configure from the Vault Owner drop-down list.
- In the Details column, clickNetwork Tokenization. The Network Tokenization page appears.
- On the VISA tab, switch theEnroll to VISA Token Servicesbutton to On to enable Visa token services.The required business information for the merchant information will be populated:
- Merchant name
- Website URL
- Country code
- ClickManage Details.
- CheckEnable Visa Token Provisioningto enable Visa network token provisioning.
- CheckEnable Visa Token Transactionsto enable Visa transaction processing using network tokens.
- On the MASTERCARD tab, switch theEnroll to MASTERCARD Token Servicesbutton to On to enable Visa token services.
- ClickManage Details.
- CheckEnable Mastercard Token Provisioningto enable Mastercard network token provisioning.
- CheckEnable Mastercard Token Transactionsto enable Mastercard transaction processing using network tokens.
- Enter the token requestor ID (TRID) information:
- TRID (Visa and Mastercard)
- Relationship Id (Visa only)
- ClickSubmitto save your settings.