Transient Token Response Format

The transient token is issued as a JSON Web Token (RFC 7519). A JWT is a string consisting of three parts that are separated by dots:
  • Header
  • Payload
  • Signature
JWT example:
The payload portion of the token is an encoded Base64url JSON string and contains various claims.
When you integrate with Cybersource APIs, Cybersource recommends that you dynamically parse the response for the fields that you are looking for. Additional fields may be added in the future.
You must ensure that your integration can handle new fields that are returned in the response. While the underlying data structures will not change, you must also ensure that your integration can handle changes to the order in which the data is returned.
The internal data structure of the JWT can expand to contain additional data elements. Ensure that your integration and validation rules do not limit the data elements contained in responses.
Example: Token Payload for Accepting Card Information
{ "iss": "Flex/00", "exp": 1728911080, "type": "mf-2.0.0", "iat": 1728910180, "jti": "1D1S6JK9RL6EK667H1I370689A63I2I8YLFJSPJ1EUSKIPMJJWEL670D16E89AF8", "content": { "paymentInformation": { "card": { "expirationYear": { "value": "2025" }, "number": { "detectedCardTypes": [ "001" ], "maskedValue": "XXXXXXXXXXXX1111", "bin": "411111" }, "securityCode": {}, "expirationMonth": { "value": "01" } } } } }