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Get Invoice Details
Retrieve an invoice's details to check its current status and payment history. Retrieving an
invoice's details requires the unique invoice number assigned when the invoice was
Send your API request to one of these endpoints:
PUT https://
PUT https://
The is the invoice number from the invoice creation response
Successful Response
A response contains this invoice information:
Response Field | Description |
submitTimeUtc | The date and time that the invoice was sent, in UTC format. |
status | The invoice status. Possible values:
customerInformation (field object) | The customer's information, such as name and email. |
invoiceInformation (field object) | The paymentLink field contains the direct URL to the
invoice. |
orderInformation (field object) | The itemized amount charged for the billed goods and services. |
invoiceHistory (field object) | An array of invoice status changes and the date and time stamp of each
invoice status changed. |
Example: Get Invoice Details
Endpoint with an Invoice Number
GET https://https://nabgateway-api.nab.com.au/2670
Response to a Successful Request
{ "_links": { "self": { "href": "/v2/invoices/2670", "method": "GET" }, "update": { "href": "/v2/invoices/2670", "method": "PUT" }, "deliver": { "href": "/v2/invoices/2670/delivery", "method": "POST" }, "cancel": { "href": "/v2/invoices/2670/cancelation", "method": "POST" } }, "id": "2670", "submitTimeUtc": "2024-07-24T18:36:18.863175539Z", "status": "SENT", "customerInformation": { "name": "Tanya Lee", "email": "[email protected]" }, "processingInformation": { "requestPhone": false, "requestShipping": false }, "invoiceInformation": { "invoiceNumber": "2670", "dueDate": "2019-07-11", "allowPartialPayments": false, "paymentLink": "https://nabgateway-portal.nab.com.au/ebc2/ebc2/invoicing/payInvoice/W447tdnINi5t5wu6QA0KUE2HYWY2rQQ0zXL5b5z6M50w4Ea9FFlcYrEmp09pFlzl?version=v2.1", "deliveryMode": "Email" }, "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "totalAmount": 247.86, "currency": "USD", "balanceAmount": 247.86 }, "lineItems": [ { "productSku": "P653727383", "productName": "First line item's name", "unitPrice": 12.05, "quantity": 20, "totalAmount": 247.86 } ] }, "invoiceHistory": [ { "event": "SEND", "date": "2024-07-24T18:35:23.320Z" }, { "event": "DRAFT", "date": "2024-07-24T18:35:22.960Z" } ] }